Mráz Agro is a major supplier and processor of organic residual materials for use either as sustainable biomass for energy production or, for example, as a high-quality sustainable fertilizer. Our company is certified as a sustainable biomass supplier, we have ISCC RED II (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification – Renewable Energy Directive II) certification as well as a waste management permit. In this way we control not only the quality but also the compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We work closely with the biomass association CZBIOM, for example, to develop new products and directions.
Our partners are in particular:
- Operators of biogas plants
- Agricultural enterprises
- Manufacturers in the food, beverage and fermentation industries
We offer:
- Food residues
- Corn silage
- Sugar beet pulps
- Brewery residue
- Malting rafts
- Distillery effluents and sludges
- Organic fertilisers
- Beer mash
- Autolysed yeasts
- Straw
- Digestate
- and more …